The winter months often bring challenging playing conditions to golf courses, leaving fairways and greens wet, muddy, and compacted. To keep the game moving and enjoyable during this off-season, many clubs and committees invoke ‘preferred lies’ – also known as ‘winter rules’. But what exactly are preferred lies, when can they be taken, and what are the rules and etiquette surrounding them? In this guide, we will dive into the specifics of preferred lies, an often misunderstood but accepted part of the game.
What is a Preferred Lie in Golf?
A preferred lie, also known as a winter rule, is a local rule that allows a golfer to mark, lift, clean and place their ball without penalty. It is typically invoked during the winter months when the ground is wet, soggy or muddy. The intention is to improve playability and pace of play when conditions are poor.
The most common situation where a preferred lie is granted is in the general area – anywhere outside the teeing ground, penalty areas, bunkers and the putting green. It allows a golfer to lift, clean and place their ball within one club-length of its original spot, but no nearer the hole. The lie of the ball can be altered, but it must remain in the same condition (e.g. in the rough).
Preferred lies are occasionally allowed in bunkers as well, sometimes called ‘lift, clean and place’. This permits a ball to be picked up, have any mud or debris cleaned off, and placed back in the bunker within one club-length of its original spot. Again, this improves playability when bunkers are wet or crusted over.
Preferred lies are determined by the committee who sets the local rules for the competition or golf course. They are not something golfers can simply invoke whenever conditions are less than ideal. Clear communication and authorization is required.
When in effect, preferred lies do not permit golfers to gain any unfair advantage. You still play the ball from roughly the same lie, so it does not really improve a bad shot. It just alleviates issues like mud on the ball or an awkward, muddy stance. Scores count in full, without any modifications to handicaps.

When are Preferred Lies Allowed?
Preferred lies are most commonly implemented during the winter months when fairway and rough conditions are poor due to excessive rain, frost, snow or other inclement weather. Golf course turf tends to become very wet, muddy and compacted during winter. This can result in undesirable playing conditions.
Golf committees and course superintendents monitor ground conditions on a daily basis through the winter. When they determine that fairway conditions are substantially impaired by saturated soil, puddling, mud, frost, etc., they may enact preferred lies by local rule. This allows play to continue through the winter, while improving lie conditions.
Preferred lies are usually posted each day they are in effect. Committees try to avoid overuse and stick to times when conditions truly warrant relief. They are generally allowed starting sometime in the late fall through early spring – the off-season when turf recovery is slow. Typical duration would be anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months depending on climate.
Certain events like member-guest days or winter leagues at the club may utilize preferred lies as a standing rule that players can expect during that season. But in competitive play, they are only applied selectively when needed.
Other situations that occasionally warrant preferred lies are prolonged heavy rainfall that saturates a course, or tournaments played right after extensive aerification that leaves significant holes and debris. But winter weather is the most common reason they are implemented.
What are the Rules Around Taking a Preferred Lie?
The most important rule is that preferred lies are only permitted when declared by the committee in charge of the competition or golf course. Players cannot just decide to invoke winter rules whenever they wish. Clear authorization must be given.
Once in effect, a player is allowed to mark, lift, clean and place their ball without penalty anywhere in the general area – i.e. the fairway, first cut, etc. The ball must remain in the same condition, so you cannot change from rough to fairway.
When placing back, the ball cannot be placed nearer the hole. It must remain within one club-length of the original spot, no closer to the putting green. This maintains the challenge of the shot.
In taking relief, players should be careful to identify the original spot first, mark it, then lift the ball. Do not roll or walk to the ball as that may alter the area limiting where it can be placed back.
For par/match play continuity, a partner should mark the reference point if taking relief right after a partner plays from the same area.
Preferred lies do allow cleaning mud or debris off the ball. But you cannot otherwise alter the ball’s condition (e.g. dry a wet ball) or replace it when lost or cut.
Relief must be taken directly. You cannot play the ball first, then opt to go back and place if the shot is poor. Relief is on your first stroke only.
Preferred lies are only for the ball lying on the ground. If your ball is embedded or under an obstruction, separate relief procedures exist.
Ultimately, fairness and integrity are key. Take reasonable relief to improve the lie while remaining in the same area. Never intentionally gain advantage with a preferred lie.

Is a Preferred Lie Considered Cheating?
Taking a preferred lie when properly allowed by the committee’s local rules is not cheating and is entirely within the rules of golf. It provides temporary relief from adverse conditions like mud or poor turf and is meant to improve pace of play.
However, intentionally taking a preferred lie outside of when it is permitted would be considered cheating. Some key points:
- You cannot simply decide on your own to invoke winter rules or improve a bad lie. Explicit authorization is required. Abusing preferred lies when not allowed would provide an unfair advantage.
- Even when in effect, preferred lies do not let you materially improve your situation. You must remain in the same condition and within one club-length of the original spot. Dramatically altering the lie is against the intent.
- Preferred lies are for the ball at rest on the ground only. Separate free relief procedures exist for embedded balls, obstructions, etc. Taking a preferred lie instead is not appropriate.
- You cannot use a preferred lie to strategically move from behind a tree or other poor position. It is meant to alleviatemud, not bad shots.
- Preferred lies do not allow you to play a different ball. You must replace the original ball after lifting, cleaning and placing. Switching to a new ball would be illegal.
While some argue winter rules are already lenient, they are an accepted part of the game. When properly taken, a preferred lie does not provide a true advantage or go against fairness. However, any intentional misuse outside the rules would be considered cheating.
How Do Preferred Lies Affect Scoring and Handicaps?
When playing under preferred lies, scores are treated no differently than normal rounds – they are posted for handicap purposes and count in full. Preferred lies do not allow the altering of scores after the fact.
The reason is that preferred lies provide temporary relief from conditions, but do not fundamentally change the challenge of the course or shots:
- You still must play from roughly the same spot and condition, just without impediments like mud or frost.
- Yardages remain unchanged. Preferred lies do not permit improving distances or moving out of hazards.
- Penalties still apply per the rules of golf. You receive no free relief from lost balls, out of bounds, water hazards, etc.
- Scores on a hole with a preferred lie have the same potential to be high or low as without preferred lies. The equitable stroke control limit for posting scores remains the same.
Therefore, a round played under preferred lies should fully signify a golfer’s current ability and be posted to their handicap index. Since all players receive the same playing conditions, it is equitable.
However, in some exceptional cases, the committee may decide conditions warrant temporary handicap modifications or selected hole scoring reductions. This is rare, but could account for things like unusually poor course setup.
While some golf purists argue against any relaxing of the rules, preferred lies have become an established part of the game during the colder months. When utilized properly, they help ensure that golf remains playable and pleasurable year-round. With care taken not to abuse the intent, winter rules can enhance the golf experience for many through challenging conditions. Understand the guidelines, ask when uncertain, and enjoy the game with or without a preferred lie.
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