Among golfers, few traditions are as time-honored and fun as the classic Nassau golf bet. Named after the famous Nassau Country Club in Long Island, the Nassau uniquely combines three separate wagers into one golf round – front 9, back 9, and overall 18 holes. This multi-layered betting format has sparked friendship, competition, and strategy for decades of golfers across the world. But how exactly does it work, what is the history behind it, and what strategies can help you conquer your next Nassau match? This guide digs into everything you need to know about this iconic golf betting game.
What is a Nassau in golf?
A Nassau is a popular type of golf bet typically made between golf partners or teams. It essentially combines three separate bets into one larger bet.
The Nassau bet consists of three separate wagers on the front 9, back 9, and total 18 holes. For example, if two golf partners make a $1 Nassau bet, they would wager $1 on the front 9 holes, $1 on the back 9 holes, and $1 on the total score for all 18 holes. This allows golfers to win money on either or both halves of the round, as well as the total.
The Nassau scoring works like this:
For the front and back 9 bets, the golfer with the lower score wins that portion of the bet. If the scores are tied, that part of the bet is halved.
For the 18-hole total score bet, the golfer with the lower total score wins that portion. Again, if the total scores are tied, that part of the bet is halved.
So in a $1 Nassau, a golfer could win $3 by winning all 3 bets, $2 for winning 2 parts, $1 for 1 part, or half the Nassau amount if halves are tied. This scoring system allows for more betting opportunities and makes things interesting all the way through the 18 holes.
The Nassau bet originated sometime in the early 20th century, supposedly named after the Nassau Country Club in Long Island, New York. The club was known for high-stakes gambling on golf in the early 1900s, making it a likely birthplace for the Nassau bet.
Today, Nassau bets are ubiquitous in golf, from casual weekend hackers to PGA Tour pros. The format allows golf partners to engage in friendly wagering and competition that lasts the entire round. Strategies can change based on whether someone already won or lost the front or back 9 bet. Golfers enjoy the extra layers of competition and pressure during the round.

How does scoring work in a Nassau?
The unique scoring system of a Nassau is what makes it an interesting and strategic golf bet. Since it combines 3 separate wagers into one, there are different ways to win or lose the overall bet.
First, there is the front 9 bet. This wager is based solely on the scores from the front 9 holes. The golfer with the lower total score for holes 1-9 wins this portion of the bet. For example, if Golfer A shoots 40 on the front and Golfer B shoots 42, Golfer A wins the front 9 bet.
Second is the back 9 bet. This wager is based only on the scores from the back 9 holes. The golfer with the lower total score for holes 10-18 wins this portion. So if Golfer A shoots 43 on the back and Golfer B shoots 39, Golfer B wins the back 9 bet.
Finally, there is the overall 18-hole score bet. This wager is based on the total scores for the full round. The golfer with the lower total 18-hole score wins this portion of the Nassau. For example, if Golfer A shoots 83 and Golfer B shoots 81, Golfer B wins the overall 18-hole bet.
In each separate bet, if the golfers tie scores, that portion of the Nassau is halved or split. So if A & B both shoot 40 on the front, they split that bet.
With a Nassau, golfers have to maintain focus and stay competitive for all 18 holes. You could lose the front or back and still win based on the full round score. It keeps things interesting through the entire round. Understanding the unique Nassau scoring system allows golfers to strategize on how to maximize their chances of winning or losing the least amount of money.
What are the origins of the Nassau golf betting game?
The exact origins of the Nassau golf bet are difficult to pinpoint, but most golf historians believe it originated in the early 1900s at the Nassau Country Club in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York.
Nassau Country Club opened in 1901 and quickly became known as a hotbed of high-stakes gambling on golf among its affluent members. Reportedly, four-figure golf bets were commonplace at the club in the early 20th century.
The most widely accepted story is that the Nassau bet was named after the Princeton University golf team. Princeton students and alumni were among the original members at Nassau Country Club. Around the turn of the century, the Princeton golf team popularized the format of combining three bets into one – on the front 9, back 9, and overall 18 holes.
As the Princeton grads and students played matches at Nassau CC, they spread this betting style to other club members. From there, it became known as the “Nassau” golf bet, named after the course where it originated.
In the early 1900s, country clubs were also social hubs for wheeling and dealing among the business elite. Nassau CC members likely spread the bet to other nearby clubs in the Northeast, where it continued gaining popularity. Atlantic City Country Club and Garden City Golf Club on Long Island were early adopters.
By the late 1910s and 1920s, the Nassau bet became commonplace in club golf across America. Golf legends like Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen helped popularize it further. Today, it is essentially ubiquitous in golf – played from major championships to casual weekend matches.
So while the exact details are uncertain, it is clear that the origins trace back to the turn-of-the-century gentleman’s bets at Nassau Country Club in New York. The name stuck, and it remains one of golf’s most classic wagering formats.

How do you settle ties in a Nassau bet?
With its multi-faceted format, ties in Nassau bets are common and must be addressed with proper rules. There are a few potential ways to settle ties:
For the front 9, back 9, or total 18-hole bets, a tie simply results in that portion of the Nassau being split evenly between the golfers. So if you bet $10 and shoot the same score as your opponent on the front 9, you would each win $5 of that bet.
However, some golfers prefer to not split ties and instead carry them over until there is a winner. So if the front 9 results in a tie, that $10 portion would carry over to the back 9. Whoever wins the back 9 would then win the carried-over $10 from the front 9 tie in addition to the original back 9 bet amount.
Yet another variation is to establish tiebreaker holes in case of a tied Nassau bet. For example, you could decide that you’ll play holes 1 and 18 as tiebreakers. If the overall 18-hole scores are tied, whoever has the lower total score on holes 1 and 18 would win the overall Nassau as the tiebreaker. This adds strategy to certain holes.
In tournament or competitive play, golfers generally settle Nassau ties by comparing scorecards holed by hole, starting with the #1 handicap hole. The golfer with the lower score on the first hole where scores differ wins the tiebreaker.
The most important things are that Nassau tiebreakers are established before the round and agreed upon by all players. Decide whether you’ll split ties, carry them over, or use a tiebreaker system. This prevents confusion or disagreements over how to settle tied Nassau bets.
What are some Nassau golf betting variations?
Pressing the Bet
One popular Nassau variation is “pressing” the bet, meaning doubling the wager amount on the back 9 holes. For example, if you start with a $1 Nassau, the front 9 bet would be $1, the back 9 bet would double to $2, and the 18-hole bet would remain $1. This adds extra excitement and strategy to the back 9.
Including Handicaps
For amateur golfers playing stroke-play events, they can factor handicaps into Nassau scoring to level the playing field. Each golfer’s course handicap is deducted from their total scores before comparing scores. This enables golfers of different skill levels to enjoy Nassau betting.
Best Ball Format
In a team Nassau, partners combine the best individual score from each hole to get the team score. So if Player A makes 4 and Player B makes 5 on Hole 1, the team score for that hole is 4. The team format brings new strategy into team Nasssau bets.
Adding Other Side Games
Many golfers add on other side bets into a Nassau, like longest drive, closest to the pin, sandies (saving par after hitting into a bunker), and more. This increases the betting opportunities within one larger Nassau framework.
Nassau rentals are also common in some golf circles, where players pay per hole instead of a fixed Nassau amount for 18 holes. There are many possibilities to customize Nassau betting to players’ preferences and skill levels. The basic format remains three bets in one – front, back, and total – but the options are plentiful beyond that.
What is the strategy for winning a Nassau bet?
Manage Your Game Based on the Bet Status
Since a Nassau has three separate bets, you need to tailor your strategy based on where you stand in each bet. If you already won the front 9, you can play more conservatively on the back 9 to protect your lead. If you lost the front 9, you may need to take more risks to catch up on the back.
Always stay aware of what you need to do in the overall 18-hole bet as well. Don’t sacrifice the overall score just to win a side bet. Keep the big picture in mind.
Attack Your Opponent’s Weaknesses
Study your opponent’s game and attack their vulnerable areas. Are they weak with the driver or putter? Struggle with bunker shots? Don’t bail them out – put pressure on those weaknesses. Force them to beat you with their deficiencies.
Pick Your Spots Wisely
An aggressive, risky strategy can backfire badly in a Nassau. Stay patient and smart. Wait for high-percentage opportunities to attack flags or go for par-5s in two. Don’t take unnecessary risks just for a possible extra stroke. Play smart and let the bet come to you.
Never Give Up
With three separate bets, you’re never completely out of it in a Nassau. Even if you lose the front 9 badly, you can rally on the back 9 or the overall 18. Stay mentally tough and keep fighting – the bet’s not over until the final putt drops.
At its core, a Nassau rewards consistent, steady play from tee to green. Keep the ball in play, eliminate big mistakes, and take advantage of good scoring chances. Stay mentally engaged on every shot, and the bet results will usually take care of themselves.
Are Nassau bets legal?
In most parts of the world, casual Nassau golf bets between friends or playing partners are considered legal. However, there are some important caveats based on location and the scale of the betting.
In the United States, casual golf betting is generally legal thanks to a specific carveout in federal sports gambling laws. The Federal Wire Act only prohibits sports betting that uses interstate wire communications. Since casual Nassau bets take place in person and within state lines, they avoid federal prohibition.
However, a few states do specifically prohibit certain golf bets even within state borders. For example, Florida and Massachusetts have made it illegal to bet on the side during a golf round. But simple Nassau bets are usually allowed. The line is crossed when third-party bookmakers get involved to make betting easier and more accessible.
In the UK and other parts of Europe, casual golf betting is broadly legal. Major organized events like the Ryder Cup have recognized betting partners to handle things officially on a large scale.
However, many professional golf tours and organizations prohibit players from betting on events they participate in. Protecting sport integrity is the main concern. So pros likely shy away from Nassau bets compared to amateurs.
In summary, casual bets between friends playing golf together are generally permissible in most areas. But large wagers, third-party bookmaking, and any betting on pro events changes the legality. As with any gambling, it is wise to understand local laws before engaging in Nassau bets. As long as the scale is small, location legal, and spirit friendly, Nassaus are part of golf’s time-honored tradition.
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